Crowbar For Mac

Well here we are. Finally, my very first full Cocoa program. One that does not come from a book. CrowbarDMG is a dictionary attack tool for DMG and Spareimage files for Macs. It does require 10.5 Leopard. It really wasn’t worth the trouble to redo things to work on Tiger.

It is completely free, so enjoy. Be sure to read the included PDF readme file. I address an issue if you use strings to pull out a dictionary from a disc image.

Some control characters need to be scrubbed else it will crash crowbarDMG. Give it a shot if you need to recover a password for a dmg or filevault file.UPDATE. – Please make sure to run Check for Updates to obtain the latest build.

I have released v1.0.1 that implements garbage collection to help prevent memory leaks for long duration projects. Thanks to for his patience in making GUI layout and improvement suggestions. Thanks to for the fun bootcamp last October. I would have never had the time to get up to speed on Xcode and ObjectiveC purely on my own. Thanks as well to the following code and frameworks:. crowbarDMG – Download.

Thanks I had not seen that code source. I was looking at using openciphers in the next version. Now I have two things to try. =) In this case the cpu utilization isn't a good measure. The bottleneck of a dictionary attack is the attempt on testing the password against the image. Thus why I need to look at something other than HDIutil as the password attempt method.

I haven't made plans to just post the code for wide download. But to those to contact me directly I will provide it. You can just use the contact link on the right side of my site. Sorry for letting the holidays tie me up.

Here is your fix. Just have your dictionary file. And run this command cat original.txt tr 'r' 'n' cleaned.txt The way I saw what the issue was by doing cat -e original.txt It shows you the control-M which is the r That will replace the windows return line character with the mac friendly new line character. I had fixed crowbar to recognize what I had tested which is when both are present. What you are generating is only the windows return not both return+LF.

I'll have to work up an update later. Till then you can just run that at a command line and it works. Or we can toss it inside an automator. See the automator linked in this post as an example. Hello, First of all, thank you for creating CrowbarDMG. I have a question somewhat related to CrowbarDMG: A friend of mine lost his password but remembers some part of it. I am looking to create permutations out of a series of words.

I.e, if the password was made of words such as “i” + “lost” + “the” + “password” I am looking to generate all possible permutations of a list. I can then weed out with Excel and TextWrangler to reduce the size of the dictionary (length min-max, etc ) Generating a full permutation out of a range of characters is not (time wise) feasible (15^95!!!!) but trying words permutation gives me a better chance and limit the improbable combination. I have tried online “Keywords exploder” but they do not permute fully. Second question is in relation to the speed, I have read that Crowbar should test about 130 pswd/ minute I have tried with both 128 and 256 AES, and on my machine, a MBP double core 2.66GHz + 4GB RAM, I am at 48 Pwsd / min average and the processes indicate CrowbarDMG @ 3% CPU only. Crowbar updated to the last V.

Is this normal or I should look deeper? Thanks again for all your work and help TIA. Hello Georges, Thanks for the quick reply, Speed: Ok, I will then use multiple machines “Keep in mind full permutation of a large list is a factorial operation. It gets HUGE fast.” Yes, I am aware of it. Not only a “small” number of permuted words will reach HUGE number of strings, but on the top of that, as we speak words and not characters the space needed itself reach unrealistic numbers very fast, which return to the first issue: cracking time! I told my friend that, unless we can seriously reduce the number of “words”, our children would die trying.

I mentioned to him a visit to a hypnotizer in the hope of trying to remember some of the words. As of today, 10 words fully permuted would take on average 198 years to crack.

I’ll try and get back on this and you can test my permutation for me if you are interested. Cracking AES in blind mode is just a waste of electricity. I think that if a permuter was to be created, the goal of such permuter would be to be able to “optionize” the output and limit the junk. I.e length between x-xx char, or not generating string that contains certain strings generated by the permutation.

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Crowbar For Mac

I.e if the password of, let’s say 8 to 12 char long to recover was -possibly-composed of “I”+“love”+“you”+”!” It is reasonable to think that, the string “lovelovelove” is highly unlikely, as well as “!!!!!!!!” That is, if you remember some of the password. Otherwise it’s just torture. I have an application for that very purpose I have been working on.

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But I have not fixed mutlithreading and permutation code yet. So even if I gave you an early copy it won't help you yet. Keep in mind full permutation of a large list is a factorial operation. Buy f1 2017 for mac. It gets HUGE fast. Which is why I haven't sorted out my own permutation code yet in my app under development. I have to decide some realistic limits for performance and to keep from blowing the app up.

I'll try and get back on this and you can test my permutation for me if you are interested. In your case about how many words are you expecting to use? Yes crowbarDMG is slow because I am limited by system file level locks. I call the normal diskutil command associated with mounting dmg files. So there is no easy way to multithread that due to the file lock issue. I have some sample code of a project meant to speed that up but have not gotten into it yet. Hello, George!

I'm trying to recover my photo album from a misplaced external harddrive. I had the album in a.sparsebundle archive to protect the contents, and now I cannot remember the password. I was trying to “remember” it with CrowbarDMG, but I'm having no luck. For the password, I usually prepend and append numbers/dates to a word associated with the file. I took the dict file on my Mac, and using TextWrangler, I prepended and appended every entry to “my” proper password format. Out of curiosity, I made a blank.sparsebundle with 128-AES encryption, and put a photo in it. No tick in the save to keychain, and then I unmounted the file.

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I created a new dictionary with only one entry, the correct password. I linked CrowbarDMG to the encrypted file and the new dictionary.

The response: “Password Not Found,” and it checked two passwords. Does the app inherently check for a blank password is that the reason for 2 passwords checked? Thanks for any assistance and keep up the hard work!

Thanks for making CrowbarDMG first off – I tried John the Ripper – realized later it couldn’t do.dmg files. Next I tried vfcrack – and ended up getting the similar errors that you blogged about – ending up getting an “Abort trap” error. Anyways – I was wondering the same thing as Matthew – How can I create a dictionary with random numbers and files? Also – are you planning on updating the speed of crowbarDMG anytime soon?

I split a dictionary into two 2.5MB.txt files and its reading 52 words per min – i’m running two crowbarDmg apps at the same time – therefore 102min per min still seems slow Thanks in advance!

After a decade of metal where speed and fury were emphasized, Crowbar stepped into the '90s with a sound directly reacting to those ideas. Equally influenced by the robotic approach of Helmet, the razor sharp riffing of Exhorder, and the brutally slow pacing of Melvins, Obedience Thru Suffering shows a band who is not afraid to stand out with a bizarre mix of influences. The production is the roughest part of the album, robbing the riffs of their punch, bringing the bass too high into the mix, and attempting to pass the band off as a Tad-esque grunge group.

Crowbar For Mac

But the songwriting overcomes many of the weaker moments, as tracks like 'Subversion' unveil a warped take on the Sabbath sound that would later gain the nickname sludge metal. The incredible roar of Kirk Windstein doesn't hurt matters any, as his brutal vocals are one of the key elements to the record. They would follow this up with a more impressive effort and continue a successful career into the decade, but this is where the group introduced the first true recording of the Louisiana sound. Fans will want to hunt this down, and any follower of Louisiana metal would do themselves a favor by giving this a listen - it is one of the key releases in the formation of that scene. Bradley Torreano.