Oneonta Fabulous Friday Tonight For Mac
Well, I took a break after eating lunch and read in my book for a bit, while icing my hip. Got one phone call out of the way but more to do. Hard sometimes to set aside time when I'm not being really noisy,to make calls Y's- sorry about your hair. Doesn't seem right it would just fall out like that O's- you must be working tonight. Hmm, maybe I oughta fig out how to use Excell-might be easier than the old crumpled piece of paper I use love2- grr on computers that aren't nice.Thanks, I'll have to look at his phone next time and see if that's there. Good morning! Well, it's still morning here.
Yesterday was a total loss. Except, while I was downtown for my meeting, I stopped in to see SHE friend I had lost touch with. (She went by Gwennian here, is any of you go back that far.) We used to get together about once a month for coffee, but being SHEs, it fell by the wayside.
We had a great chat, and I won't let so much time go by again. We actually went together to a SHEfest in Oregon, about 10 years ago. It was so much fun! Pam and Peggy and Flylady (who was kind of getting started) were there, and lots of SHEs who knew each other from the forums. It was a gigantic, three-day slumber party. Okay, enough trip down memory lane. Time to stop relaxing and get to work!
Maybe you east coast folks are finished with the mojo for the day, and could pass it my way? Looks like everyone is getting lots done. Y, sorry about the hairdo. I vote with L2Q, if it's not too far, could you go back and ask for a touch up?
O's, I'd ask what a Griddler is, but I have a feeling I shouldn't know. Sudoku is bad enough. L2Q, so you also have real life friend you met through Flylady or the SHEs.
It sure is nice to have friend who understands. Khaleas, tattoo sounds wonderful. CC, what a list! Crunch time indeed, it's hitting here too!
Decaf, looks like you're making progress in spite of missing mojo. Hi to anyone further back. Time to move. First up: Clean up kitchen Advance lol Clean bathroom. Hello Everyone Sorry i didn't catch up on posts I just need to TADA myself TADA SHOWERED!!! Dressed ( no hair or makeup or shoes today, will do better tomorrow) read and answered 108 emails, YES 108 non-spam, I was dreading it! Updated calendar ('cause of all those dang emails) Found a new pediatrician and made an appointment for both kids Ate a healthy lunch (thankfully a doggie bag salad in the fridge) Packed most of the garage sale left-overs (last night) need to finish this one.
To Do laundry kitchen buy a shower gift write a bunch of PTA checks Whew, i'm going to sleep better tonight. Answer a PTA finance question (ok figure out the answer) Drive track car pool.
Ak Rosie- I'm still here, just couldn't post for a bit.Looks like your home must be getting all shiny by now. We're doing the housewarming for a needy single mom who's had to leave a difficult sittuation. So nice to have our church family step in and help her out. Y's- have a great time at party jujubean- oops, didn't mean to miss you.
Yikes,that's a lot of e-mails. Tahdahs Prep supper-make minestrone soup fig out min groc shop list finish bread-it's in baking Next up wrap present for party fix hair check clothes tonight Todos FOOD Make muffins for breakfast CLOTHES p/a lols STUDY Sunday School Prep for tutoring- schedule, Microsoft office course MISC 1/2 hr or more getting Alumni postcards made +printed call- R mail prep- bills, cards supper clean up from reg before bed routine later/tomorrow 15 min- dejunk guest room 15 min bills 15 min budget. Looks like this will be it for a while-not sure if I'll be posting later -if not, have a great night ladies.Thanks for the company. I'll be plugging away at some of these in bewteen times Tahdahs wrap present for party fix hair check clothes tonight p/a lols Todos FOOD Make muffins for breakfast STUDY Sunday School Prep for tutoring- schedule, Microsoft office course MISC 1/2 hr or more getting Alumni postcards made +printed call- R mail prep- bills, cards supper clean up from reg before bed routine later/tomorrow 15 min- dejunk guest room 15 min bills 15 min budget. CC, hope you have a great evening. It's great that you can help that young woman get a fresh start. My house is nowhere near shiny, I'm afraid, but the hope that it may be someday should keep me moving.
If we all came back to a clean, picked-up home when we bring dds home from college, maybe they would see how nice it looks, and try to keep it that way. I can dream, can't I?
Y, I hope you have a great time at the party. You've certainly earned a night off. I bet you look lovely!
Juju, thanks for the mojo. I'll try to put it to good use. Isn't this place wonderful? How old are your dkids?
Oneonta Fabulous Friday Tonight For Mac 2017
Anyone else I should respond to before I get back to work? I guess not, so back to it I go. I saved Flylady's missions for the week. Monday's is done. The stuff that is left is dh's and dds', so I just have to live with it until they see my shining example and clear it out (as I said above, I can dream.) So, Tuesday's mission is detail vacuuming.
Not sure how much detail I want to go into, but I can make a stab at it. Afternoon everyone! I have spent the last two days working on my new business and haven't done anything but laundry. Instead of CUOP I need to hurry and jump in on the housework now that I am done with that for the day. TODOS: lol #3 lol #4 make dinner flip dw boys to baseball practice clear din table clear kit counter #1 clear kit counter #2 sweep wipe counters grocery store craft store kids make beds kids p/u bedrooms p/u toy room p/u main bath p/u entry p/u baby area of room make file for Efusjon info p/a groceries mail movies back I'll BBIAB! Good Night Ladies!
Oneonta Fabulous Friday Tonight For Mac Free
Looks like it stayed busy in here today Sorry I couldn't join in on the fun - the Dr's appt for DD went well, then DH was home from his early morning fishing, and like so many others, I just can't seem to stick to a routine with him around. Tonight we met some friends for sushi. I have folded 2 lol, and only have the dw to empty/refill. We are leaving for Savanah at 7am - I will need to pack, but not much, and since we are driving, the departure time is not cut in stone.
Happy Fabulous Friday
I'm looking forward to 'seeing' y'all again on Monday. Till then - Be well!