Hvordan Du Laster Ned Internet Explorer For Mac

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Hvordan Du Laster Ned Internet Explorer For MacLasterHvordan Du Laster Ned Internet Explorer For Mac

You may have your pop-up blocker active, but its settings may not be high enough to stop the most annoying pop-ups from getting through. Click on the cog in the top right corner of the web browser window to see the IE menu, and choose the “Internet Options” selection. Click the “Privacy” tab and make sure the tick-box for your pop-up blocker is ticked.

Hvordan Du Laster Ned Internet Explorer For Mac Free

Click the button for the pop-up blocker settings, and it will direct you to your blocker options where you may pick a low, medium or high setting for your pop-up blocker. How do I change or reset my version of Internet Explorer For Mac?