Pulsesecure For Mac

I have installed Pulse Secure VPN utility version 5.2.5 and it automatically opens at startup. Unfortunately, the app doesn't behave like any other, i.e., I cannot disable it through: System Preferences → Users & Groups → Login Items I've done some research on the Internet and I found that the file that is responsible for the startup opening is: /Library/LaunchAgents/net.pulsesecure.pulsetray.plist If I delete the file, Pulse Secure doesn't open at startup, but whenever I open it, it won't work as expected (won't connect to any VPN). Does anyone know how to prevent it from opening at startup AND make it work at the same time? I attach the content of the file if it's of some aid: Pulsesecure For Mac

Pulsesecure For Mac

Here is the basic idea of the solution: There is no system configuration switch on the Mac to prevent auto startup of Pulse Secure. So we have to using Automator, create an app to run the following script during system boot: launchctl unload –w /Library/LaunchAgents/net.pulsesecure.pulsetray.plist OR (depends on different version of Pulse Secure, the plist file has different name) launchctl unload –w /Library/LaunchAgents/net.juniper.pulsetray.plist Here is how to do: Firstly, creat an Automator App.

Save it as an App, say StopPulseSecure.app. And then, add this app to your login items: System Preferences → Users & Groups → Login Items Done!